Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Upcoming Services - January

The Snow Bank Cleaning/Removal and Storefront Snow removal services are temporary ideas that we invented for the improvement of our business in the near future. We have a great vision for both services and we plan on making them available as soon as possible.

The Storefront Snow Removal is our first commercial related service that offers a weekly snow removal maintenance for stores in need of ice/snow removal on their storefront and parking lot. Since we value safety, our service will provide daily snow removals for stores, hence enabling customers to visit the store or enter the parking lot without having to deal with slippery or blocked areas due to snowfalls. Our goal is to provide this service to the newly developed plazas on Big Bay Point/Prince William Way, Big Bay Point/Royal Parkside Dr., and Mapleview Dr./Prince William Way. It will be fast and beneficial for our team to get to those locations and optimize the productivity and safety of our neighborhood community.

The Snow Bank Cleaning/Removal is our first desired service that requires a snow plow. Since our service is quite new in the Barrie area, we will probably have this service available next year (unless our business expansion increases significantly). We have a truck that is useful for the job but we do not have enough financial support to invest for a plow attachment. We will most likely hold off any major decisions towards the end of February and will keep you informed if this service will ever become available. Just make sure you follow our Weekly Newsletters!